Advertising....More Than Just Billboards

     A lot of times when we think of marketing our immediate thought is advertisements; however, that is not very accurate. Marketing includes everything about your product or service from the packaging, pricing, distribution, advertisement, etc. It's not just about pushing your product in front of customers, but it's also about determining who your customers are, what your customers want and need, making your product fill that need, and then communicating that to your potential customers. With that being said, advertising is a crucial component to marketing, though. That step comes once you have developed your product or service and determined what message you are trying to communicate to your audience. Once your message has been determined, then advertising and communicating that to your customers is incredibly important. In today's age, advertisements don't just come in the form of billboards or T.V. commercials though. With so many companies competing for that same spot in the hearts and minds of customers, then being unique and using different approaches to advertisement can be crucial. Social media has become one of the biggest channels for advertisements today, and while it isn't necessarily unique in it's own terms, it can be used in creative ways. Tactics such as interactive posts and giveaways encourage engagement with your audience. However, with companies continuously trying to stand out from competitors, more wild and creative tactics are being used in real world guerrilla marketing. These methods can include murals, exhibits, interactive art work, etc. Pretty much anything to gain the attention of people passing by. While it may seem that these sorts of methods are reserved for larger companies, that may not necessarily be the case though. These can be used on a smaller scale by businesses to stand out and make their product known.


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